Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

Research Contract with Atlantic 2016-2018

Socrate (Guillaume Villemaud, Florin Hutu, Guillaume Salagnac and Tanguy Risset) are collborating with Atlantic to prototype guided wireless communications in ventilation ducts with low energy consumption. The project will lead to a shift to wireless communications in HVAC ducts.

Research Contract with SigFox 2015-2018

Socrate explored the performance of UNB networks with an emphasis on robust signal processing techniques (PhD defended on Dec 2018).

Research Contract with Orange 2016-2018

Socrate explored in this partnership the theoretical limits of IoT access networks by combining information theory and stochastic geometry.

Research Contract with Nokia 2017-2021

Socrate contributes to two research actions in the Nokia Bell Labs - Inria common lab. The first ADR is on Network Information Theory devoted to to the modeling of IoT networks, and which relies on our academic work in the ANR Arburst. We collaborate with Agora, Infine and Eva teams.

The second ADR is on machine learning for wireless networks. Our contribution is on designing new PHY layer protocols with machine learning, with an experimental assessment of these techniques on FIT/CorteXlab.

Research Contract with Bosch 2018

In collaboration with Aric, Socrate worked with Bosch on the impementation of some elementary functions in an embedded context.